Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hey Baby, What's Your Sign?

I know a lot of people are skeptical about astrology, but I am not one of them. I am the kind of person who will say, "oh, you're a Libra? I should have guessed," and be completely serious about it. That might be because I see a lot of myself reflected in my own sign. Whatever. I don't think everyone has to take it seriously, I just think its an interesting topic that speaks strongly to me personally. For example -

I am a Leo. Not just a Leo, but a LEO. Bossy, stubborn, and unyielding. Also loyal, generous, and enthusiastic. I tend to succeed. (Please don't let that be a phase.) I will do just about anything to help my friends. I need to be needed, and it hurts when I'm not, but I don't want to talk about it. I will never say no to attention or being admired, and I have big dreams. Those are all Leo traits. Would I still be this way if I was born in December? Maybe, maybe not. Who can really know? I cant. Let's go with it.

Once you see yourself in your sign, it's easy to spot others acting out in stereotypical ways. My friend E is a Cancer. She loves to cook, values her home and family, and she can get moody and emotional. (I love you E!) Some people would say, 'slow down girl, anyone could be like that! It doesn't matter that she's a Cancer!' but that's the fun part - the maybes, the ifs, the coincidences.

I have another friend who is a Capricorn. She is so ambitious. So steady. She works, and works, and works, and has a very clear path from where she is to where she's going. She has anywhere between two and four jobs at any given time and saves money like whoa. She is rational and a deep, deep thinker, but she also lives at extremes - work hard, play hard. Create hard. Think hard.

I could probably give an example for every sign of the zodiac. Aquarius, individualistic and free-spirited, yet unyielding when they think they are right. Pisces, sensitive and mysterious (sometimes for no reason) but the most understanding and giving of friends. Sagittarius, blunt to the point of brutality but also creative, and a lot of fun to be around. If anyone is recognizing themselves...yeah.

Another thing that strikes me is this: I tend to be attracted to the same signs over and over. A lot of my close friends share signs. Every guy I've loved has been a Taurus. Granted, that's not very many people (one and a half) but still. Pattern? I hope not because Leo + Taurus = possibly the most stubborn couple imaginable, who will stay together out of stubbornness for way too long. That sounds familiar. Awkward.

Anyway, the point of this rambling post is that I'm really interested in the zodiac. I think its cool when people characterize their signs. I will admit I know people who are nothing like their sign (at least at first), but nothing is for everyone. As for this Leo, I think I know where I stand.

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