Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Heart NY...


I love baseball, and I love it most when it involved the New York Yankees.

My love for the Yanks started when I was in middle school. I had always watched baseball with my dad, it was his favorite sport, and he taught me all about it. In seventh grade I decided I needed to pick a team for myself.

But how to choose?

First of all, I lived in upstate New York, so clearly I had to pick a New York team.

Now, Mets or Yankees?

At the time, I knew nothing about the teams themselves. My dad wasn't a Yankees fan, in fact he had disliked the Yankees ever since they beat the Braves about a hundred years ago.

What I did know was that the Mets hats were ugly as sin. The Yankees clearly had/have the better uniform...

And so I became a Yankees fan.

This has since turned into deep affection and proud affiliation. I'm not the most thorough fan - I usually only get to one or two games a season, and I don't start getting super excited until the post-season. BUT I proudly rep the Yankees wherever I go.

Including here in St. Louis. Today I am wearing a Yankees shirt (Texy!) in honor of us making it to the playoffs. Three people have already expressed dislike. But you know what? Fuck 'em. I don't care if people don't like the Yankees. I do. That's what matters to me. (Actually, I do dislike when people hate the Yankees for no reason other than 'they are the Yankees', and I do hate when people bash the Yankees so much they forget to CHEER FOR THEIR OWN TEAM. But I digress.)

The point is, with autumn comes baseball, and part of the reason I love this season is because its New York time.

I heart NYY.

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