Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Beginnings

I'm Baaaack!!

I was away for a looong time. Since my last post I went on vacation with my college roommates to San Diego, California and had an AMAZING time. I quit my job (!!!). I moved 1/3 of the way across the country from Upstate New York to St. Louis, Missouri. And last but not least, I started law school.

As of today I am 2 1/2 days into law school here at Washington University in St. Louis.

And. I. Love. It.

I cant really explain why. There is a ton of work. I plan to spend at least six hours in the library tonight. If someone even suggested such a thing during my undergrad years I would have laughed in their face. Six hours in the library during the first week of class? Nonono. The library was lucky to even SEE me before midterms. But now things are different. The material calls to me. 'Understand me,' it whispers, 'read me again!' and so I do. It's funny because I can see as I'm reading that any normal person would be bored out of their skull. WHO CARES if, in 1911, someone breached their contract to sell wheat at $1.03 per bushel?

I care. I really do. Which is great because a (substantial) part of me was worried I was making a HUGE mistake coming to law school. It was pretty much a spur-of-the-moment decision. I decided on a whim, researched and applied, got in, got a great scholarship, and decided it didn't make sense to back out. Clearly someone thought I would be good at law school. Plus I'd spent a grand on a Kaplan course and that was too much money to just flake out.

So here I am, in the Midwest - somewhere I never ever in a million years thought I would be. (I will discuss the fact that everything I vow to never do ends up happening in a later post.) I have a great studio apartment, I'm enjoying my classes, at least so far. I'm meeting tons of interesting new people from all over the place with all kinds of backgrounds and perspectives on life. And we are all connected by this inexplicable draw to understand "the law". I guess I'm pretty lucky.

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