Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life is for Happiness

Things are going really well for a lot of people close to me, and it makes me happy in my soul. In honor of that, I want to post about some of the things that are making me happy right this second.

Things I Like (in no particular order):
1. Making lists
2. Sunday study sessions at Starbucks
3. Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
4. Seasonal food and drink
5. Hearing how happy friends are
6. Sunshine, sunshine, sunshine
7. Yankee's sweeping the Twins
8. Gchat
9. Free concerts (even when I'm sober because it never occurred to me that an undergraduate institution would not serve alcohol...thanks Vassar for screwing with my perception of acceptable behavior.)
10. Verizon picking up the iphone (according to the nytimes. lets hope its true.)
11. Feeling content because of other people's happiness

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