Monday, October 18, 2010

That Monday Feeling

Today's run was good. I felt stronger and it took noticeably longer for me to get tired and wish I was done. Positive! It was also (slash, still is) a busy day for me, so getting the run in felt like an accomplishment. Three classes, a Chinese tutoring session, and a baseball game are no joke.

This week I'm running four times, and doing this:

Run 2 minutes, walk 4 minutes, repeat 5 times (total of 30 mins)

Simple, right? A perfect place to start for someone with nooooo running experience. Especially since I haven't done anything super strenuous since freshman year of college. Five years ago. OMG I'm so old. Panicccccc. Whew. Regroup. Anyway.

I'll be building on that each week and in 10 weeks time, I'll be running 30 minutes solid. When that's accomplished I'll move to the next phase - training in miles, not minutes.

I need to figure out where to run outdoors...I'm pretty sure there's a high school track a few blocks from me. If not, maybe the track at school would be a good idea. I need to invest in an ipod armband.

Happy Monday!

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