Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just a Quick Update

My run yesterday felt good! Definitely hard but in the best way. On another note, you know how it's time to go grocery shopping? When you find yourself eating leftover instant mashed potatoes for breakfast. And using sunscreen because you're out of lotion. And when the huge bottle of laundry detergent is gone. So good thing I'm going to Target today (to finalize and by finalize i mean get the whole thing) my halloween costume!! Which I am BEYOND excited for. Apparently starting November 2 everyone in law school locks themselves away in a cubicle and doesn't come out until after finals, so this is the last night to really really whip my hair back and forth. (Notice that November 1 will be used as a recovery day.)

Other things on my mind:
1. Potentially doing a No-Meat November. Problems with this include my dislike of tofu, and the whole Thanksgiving/turkey thing.
2. How essential is the pony mask to a My Little Pony costume? Could I get away with face paint?
3. So awkward that my alarm didn't go off this morning. I missed yoga (booo!) and have to bounce now to get to school.
4. EventhoughtheYankeesaren'tplayingandsowhoreallycares, go Giants! (That's for you, Wifey.)

More to come on all these things later.

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