Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Today is Halloween! I don't know how many little kids are in my apartment building but I'm going to go out and buy some candy anyway. For them. Obviously.

Friday night was the law school's big halloween party and it was a LOT of fun. The costumes were hilarious and pretty spot-on (including MJ, Whoopi from Sister Act, MK&A, some fabulous law school personalities, the Spice Girls...the list goes on and on). It was open bar (pre-paid but that's fine I guess) so of course everyone was double fisting drinks.

A Quick Guide to Little Gypsy Drunkenness:
Depending on what I'm drinking, it's pretty clear (at least to me) what kind of night is going down.
Gin & Tonic - keeping it classy. Not getting too drunk if at all. Probably driving somewhere later.
Vodka Tonic - a good middle ground. Keeping a buzz going, but nothing out of control.
Tequila of any kind - drunk.
Rum & Coke - fuck it. It's now or never.

So, as I was saying. I started off with some excellent tequila mixture (tequila, sprite, oj) at the law school happy hour and quickly switched to rum & coke as soon as we got to the bar.

Danced.All.Night. My favorite thing to do. In costume. Even.Better. With fabulous new friends. I feel like that's the kind of thing that can only bring people closer.

Because I don't have the time or memory to recap the whole night, here's an abbreviated version:

Drink, dance, laugh, drink, get on a school bus to go from school to the club, drink, dance, dance, drink, laugh, drink, dance, laugh, wander around, flirt, dance, laugh, dance, cab.

I think that's pretty accurate. And I was home by 2am I think. The law school goes hard but STL closes early.

So all that drinking and dancing must have destroyed my run, right? WRONG!

I stayed in bed literally the entire day on Saturday, watching TV on Netflix. At 2pm, I got my butt in gear and went to the gym for my run, dreading it. The weird thing is, the run felt good. It was 3x3 for 30 minutes and the first half felt good. Even easy. I was definitely in The Zone. Unfortunately when I reached for my water bottle I hit the emergency STOP button on the treadmill. And that shattered my Zone. I tried to keep going but I just didn't have the willpower for it. Ugh. My knee started hurting, my hangover came back, and my mentality was all screwed up. Oh well. If I can gather up the courage I want to run outside today. I'm not sure why that scares me but it does! We'll see.

Happy Halloween!

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