Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Law School = Time Sink

So, I've been slacking on my writing. But NOT on my running!

Monday I upped from 2mins running, 4mins walking for 30 minutes to 3x3. I missed a run this weekend due do drunken debauchery, and was pity party-ing until my friend Hali told me, basically, to step my game up. "You have to prioritize...if you really want it."

I DO want it. And so this week I've prioritized. Monday and Wednesday are my longest school days, but they are also running days. So I wrote out a detailed plan for each day, including class time, food time, running time, and the requisite 4+ hours of library time. Oh yeah, plus time spent cleaning my apartment and getting my halloween costume together. Today is only Wednesday but I'm doing well so far.

Monday's run was hard, but good hard. It was exciting to feel like upping my minutes was doable, and I felt like a rockstar at the end of the run. It gave me a boost to realize that however great I feel now, I'm going to feel about a billion times better after running 13.1 miles!

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