Thursday, October 21, 2010

Money In The Bank

I had to make up yesterday's run by doing it today, due to unforeseen circumstances. Well. Not really that unforeseen...I spent three hours watching baseball and then realized I had done no work, so spent four hours in the library. Time management fail. I told this to my friend Kirsten and said I planned to make up the run today. Her response? "YOU NEED TO!" And she was totally right, and I did.

She explained to me the concept that the Vassar Cross-Country team follows: running is like money in the bank. If you don't put it in, you wont have it when you need it. Notwithstanding the fact that I am terrible with money, the girl's got a point. So today, after 3 classes and a short field trip to the school bookstore to buy my first piece of Washington University School of Law apparel, I hit the gym for my run. And I'm glad I did. I feel awesome now. Sidebar: my gym on a Thursday afternoon is dead empty. I was the only person around for the good 45 minutes to an hour I was there, except for the 3 guys who work there. Hilarious. Also, the owner now recognizes me because I'm in there every day. In fact my run was my second time today since I did yoga this morning. We're pretty much best friends.

Aaaanyway. The plan for the next few days? Well right now I'm going to take a well-deserved shower. Then I'm going to hit the library. Potentially go out for a couple hours...depending on my level of productivity. Tomorrow: getting up early to get my run in before class. Then a practice midterm in the afternoon! Baseball at night. Saturday: run, study, clean apartment, potluck dinner. Sunday: brunch, study, study, catch up on TV.

Loving it.

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